Calorie information ruin Lust on Unhealthy

At the sight of a cheeseburger with fries a lot of other people running the water in the mouth. But, if you at the same time it is shown, how many calories are in the meal. A study at Dartmouth College in the United States.

Information on the calorie content seem to affect the appetite: students are presented with a food with Calories, so reduced it in comparison to meals without calories, the probability that they wanted to eat information. The scientists of the Department of psychology and brain Sciences at Dartmouth College, in the journal Plos One reports.

Two regions of the brain that motivate us to eat, were less active, if calorie information were shown. In the case of persons who were on a diet, was pronounced the difference between images with and without information on the calorie content a little lower; you may drag the energy content of the food, without giving more in their food choice than people who do not diet. "Our results suggest that an indication of the calorie content may affect the responses of the reward system in the brain, while we auswählen&quot a meal;, author Andrea Courtney says. Calorie information on packaging could reduce, therefore, the impulse for junk food.

42 students had viewed 180 pictures of food with and without calorie information and, on a scale of one to four evaluated by how much they would eat. All the while your brain was measured by activity in a functional magnetic resonance imaging. 22 of them did not at the time of the investigation, a diet, 20.