Gender stereotypes can impact the diagnosis of girls with developmental language disorder

Gender stereotypes impact on the diagnosis of girls with developmental language disorder

Androcentric detection and assessment

An overrepresentation of boys and underdiagnosis of girls

Alternatives for improving diagnosis and therapies

A list of the most common sexist myths and stereotypes related to language and the emotional sphere

  • Girls have greater communication and language skills than boys throughout their development.
  • Boys say what they know, and girls say what other people want to hear.
  • Girls like to talk more in private situations and about personal topics and to criticize other people, and boys like to talk more in public situations and about more interesting topics.
  • In the public sphere, girls can only talk a little, in a soft and pleasant way, and boys are able to talk at length, confidently and forcefully.
  • Girls don’t like to give orders, shout or interrupt; they prefer to limit themselves to making suggestions and asking, listening, avoiding arguments and not asking direct questions. In contrast, boys like to argue and debate; they interrupt because they know more things than girls.
  • Boys speak based on knowledge and reason, and girls based on opinion and emotion.
  • Boys like to run, play and jump more, and girls like to care for things and stay in one place.
  • Girls are more sensitive to other people’s feelings, friendlier, and more empathetic, and boys are rational (detached from emotion), and oriented towards their own goals and achievements.
  • Girls are emotional, empathetic and oriented towards other people, and especially towards boys. In contrast, boys do not feel as many emotions and they do not like to empathize or care for other people.
  • Girls are dependent, and boys are independent.

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