Also delivered to Germany: Fromagerie Alpine returns to disgust cheese

The French company Fromagerie Alpine recalls due to possible contamination with unwanted bacteria in the cheese of the brand “Xavier David, Tradition du Bon Fromage, Alpine”. Also in Germany, the cheese is distributed.

Affected products with the lot numbers L032 to L116 and of minimum durability data from 08. March to 31. In may 2019, according to the Internet portal "Food" on Tuesday. Was sold the cheese to the average in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Hamburg, Hesse, lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Saxony.

According to the Portal "Product" had been issued, the affected cheese to the serving counters. Since, in this case, the date of minimum durability is not known, should the buyer eat the cheese as a precaution.