Söder is against NRW-proposal: prior to Corona summit crunches, it is huge
Since the days will be hotly debated when and how Germany can loosen in the fight against the Coronavirus restrictions something. Prior to the deliberations of the Chancellor with the Prime Minister, it is unclear whether the countries can find a common line.
Prior to discussions with Chancellor Angela Merkel about the loosening of restrictions in the Corona, with the crisis in North Rhine-Westphalia has demanded Laschet-Minister Armin (both CDU), a common roadmap for the country. "We need a consensus of the 16 countries. Just in the school policy alone geben" you must have it;, Laschet said the German press Agency in Berlin. Merkel, speaking on Wednesday afternoon in a switching conference with the Minister presidents of the länder.
A preliminary plan is already
Prior to the Corona summit, the state will have two offices, one of the countries with the Chancellery on some of the key points agreed, as the “Bild”newspaper reported.
- Among other things, the contact to block and travel bans to 3. May remain
- Stores up to 400 square meters are similar to those in Austria must first open it: This would apply, among other things, for boutiques, car or furniture stores. Whether Parks or museums are affected, is currently still unclear, the newspaper said. An exact date for this gradual Opening is not called.
- To be able to the football League continue to allow “mind games”. Also, Minister of health Spahn is said to have internally in favour of the spirit of the games – but only under very strict hygiene conditions, reports the “Rheinische Post” citing government circles. Spahn holds this for "possible and also important for the millions of football fans, given the other hardships“.
- The mask production in Germany is to be increased significantly
- When the mask of duty, Mr. discord between the countries, yet
Germany bewegendster Corona Song: "Victoriam" – Listen, we support the good cause
FOCUS Online , Germany’s bewegendster Corona Song: “Victoriam” – Listen, we support the good cause
NRW wants to open the schools after the Easter holidays, step back
The North Rhine-Westphalia schools Minister Yvonne Gebauer (FDP) had announced to the schools after the Easter holidays, gradually re-open. This is your "solid Ziel", to allow, in particular tests.
A week later, are expected to may also return the first day-care centre children in NRW again in the nursery, such as country’s family Minister, Joachim Stamp (FDP) suggested. Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU), rejected then in the ZDF-"today-journal" a timely Opening of the schools after the Easter holidays, from.
In the morning, the Corona is in session Cabinet
Already in the morning, Merkel wants to prepare with the members of the Corona-Cabinet and the Bund-Länder-Unlock. Following discussions with the Prime Minister, it is provided that the Chancellor shall inform the Public about the results expected, together with Söder Chairman of the Prime Ministers ‘ conference, as well as with his Deputy, the mayor of Hamburg, Germany Peter Tschentscher (SPD).
Most of the restrictions apply for four weeks. The focus is now also the question of when children and young people in the weeks since-closed day care centers and schools will be able to return.
- Reading tip: All the information about the Coronavirus outbreak get you in the news Ticker of FOCUS Online.
Laschet: "We need to reduce the Virus further, more targeted than bisher"
Laschet said, "the proposal made by several scientists, all of classes 1 to 10 again immediately in the schools to teach, is not from the perspective of the NRW state government verantwortbar". Priority to those students who are preparing for qualifications such as the Abitur would have. The next steps would then have to be in the light of this experience, together decided. The importance of a " was;a clear common roadmap on the way to a responsible Normalität".
The Prime Minister said: "North Rhine-Westphalia has provided ideas and concepts for the Federal-state consultations, and will now work to implement what the countries decide together with the German Chancellor." Particularly in the retail sector regulations, and protection measures were Distance is important. "We need to reduce the Virus further, more targeted than bisher", he demanded.
Söder is "very reluctant to Schulen"
Söder said on Tuesday evening in the ZDF, he was "very reluctant to Schulen". Skeptical, he can also see that primary schools should be opened First. "Since I have a fundamentally different view." Söder distanced himself also from a recommendation of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.
"At the conclusion of the tests, I think, to be generous, because the students need a degree for the rest of the Berufsweg", Söder said in the ARD-"Tagesthemen". Here, protection measures were significantly better organized.
In General, the policy advice here is good to listen to the warnings of educators to early school openings. "Less hustle and bustle, a bit more patience and prudence could help."
In Baden-Württemberg the school at the earliest on may 27. April los
Baden-Württemberg wants the schools at the earliest on may 27. April gradually start operating. The Minister-President of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer, said the "Rhine Post" (Wednesday): "We will provide at the start of a phased plan, to be able to see how the infection entwickelt" happen;.
Thuringia’s government chief Bodo Ramelow (Left) spoke, among other things, to take into account the re-opening of the schools first year courses, which are in this year before the secondary school certificate or the Abitur. He had also expressed the expectation that retail stores may open under the requirements step of the way.
The number of Corona-ill people increases, the of the questions as well. FOCUS Online has therefore built up a network of experts and answer your questions.
Söder: relief only with conditions
Söder said, although it could be offered in the next two, three weeks, some facilities, such as the trading, but always associated with clear conditions, such as Hygiene-concepts, Distance, upper bounds for numbers of people per square meter, and protective masks. He demanded with a view to the retail "at least one mask bid, a Mundschutzgebot".
The same also applies to the public transport network. On the "Tagesthemen"-Question of whether he is in favour of a bid, or a requirement to Wear masks, said the CSU leader: "We are going to discuss. I am very sure that we should have the strict hand." One thing was clear: "When we facilitate, there needs to be more protection."
Association of cities requested Federal-wide concept
The German Association of cities demanded a Federal-wide concept for step-wise relaxations. "For the day-care centres, for example, it would be unfortunate if in a country the 5 – supervised up to 6-Year-old soon, and in a neighbouring country, the 3 – to 4-Jährigen", managing Director Helmut Dedy said the Newspapers of the Funke media group (Wednesday).
The Leopoldina has had a "realistischen" Schedule back to normal calls. The researchers recommended that schools "as soon as möglich" to re-open, starting with primary schools and the lower and middle levels. The Leopoldina named but also many of the prerequisites for a return to normality. In addition, a preparation of a Laschet called expert Council is.
RKI: schools first for higher year courses open
The Robert Koch Institute suggested, however, to open schools, first of all, again, for the higher year groups. It is the assumption that young people could adhere to the distance rules, said RKI President Lothar Wieler.
Foreign Minister Heiko Maas warned, you need an exit strategy, which is considering all the risks carefully. "The view beyond our borders, where in some countries there are, unfortunately, every day new bitter death figures, shows: Each day, the contact block to be lifted, can haben" for the health of many people dramatic consequences;, said the SPD politician of the "Rhine Post" (Wednesday).
Söder talks about Merkel’s Occur in the Corona-crisis: “she has nerves of steel”
FOCUS Online/Wochit Söder talks about Merkel’s Occur in the Corona-crisis: “she has nerves of steel”