After two weeks: quarantine for hundreds of in the district of Heinsberg finished

The novel Coronavirus from China continues to spread in Europe. In Germany, the Federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia is affected – there are now more than 60 confirmed infections with the Virus.

For several hundred residents in the district of Heinsberg is gone on Sunday, the domestic quarantine due to the Coronavirus to the end. Around 300 carnival, a meeting on the 15th. February in Gangelt had visited, and their families had been called to the precautionary measures.

Since Sunday the Affected show no symptoms of the disease are allowed to move, again without restrictions, said a circular speaker in the Morning. The 47-Year-old, regarded as the first infected in North Rhine-Westphalia and continues to be in a serious state of health, had participated in the carnival session. The estimated 600 to 700 residents could now participate back to normal in public life, described the speaker.

Who will show, however, symptoms should stay at home and phone the house physician contact – in accordance with the instructions given. About 1000 people were on the whole passed in the circle close to the Dutch border in home insulation. About a third of them will have to the speaker is that until the end of the coming week, be patient. It was especially to children – and their families – from the day care center, which also infected the wife of the only sick teacher is.

All further information in our News Ticker.


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