Health: Aldi, Lidl and Co – antibiotic-resistant germs on to each of the second chicken in the trade confirmed
Every other discounters chicken meat sample with antibiotic-resistant germs contaminated
In a recent analysis by the environmental organization German watch, has revealed that more than half of the chicken from the discounters with antibiotic-resistant pathogens is contaminated. Every third chicken meat sample had even strains with specific resistance to reserve antibiotics.
Various pathogens found
“Chicken meat with dangerous diarrhea germs contaminated”, “pathogens in chicken drumsticks found”, “Campylobacter in chicken meat”: such headlines were read in the past few years. Even with multi-resistant germs in meat is often loaded. This also shows a current analysis of the environmental and consumer protection organisation Germanwatch.

Still a cause for concern
Actually, antibiotics should be in mass animal husbandry to the year long efforts of the Federal government, no cause for concern, writes the environmental organization, German watch on your website.
But it is, unfortunately. Because cheap chicken-from disco to 56 percent, are contaminated cheer with germs that are resistant to antibiotics.
More than a third of the chicken is contaminated with germs, the resistance to reserve antibiotics.
This is the result of a sample study commissioned by germanwatch, a total of 59 chicken meat samples from industrial meat production on resistant pathogens were investigated.
Criticism of the agriculture Minister
As the experts explain in the “analysis of chicken meat to antibiotic-resistant pathogens”, will no longer be reserve antibiotics such as Colistin used in humans as a last resort against infectious diseases, when other antibiotics are effective.
Often such resistance can be spread across the different modes of people and animals.
“In the fight against antibiotic resistance from factory farms agricultural Minister has failed Klöckner,” said Reinhild Benning, agricultural expert of the organization Germanwatch.
“The persistently high resistance rates of the pathogens on chicken meat.”
Is the Minister going to let that multi-came-resistant bacteria, ESBL (Extended Spectrum beta lactamases) bacteria, and Colistin-resistant pathogens on the cheap meat in the kitchens of consumers, in Restaurants and even in the hospital kitchens.
“The antibiotic resistance will only decrease if the Federal government reserve antibiotics in animal factories and prohibits all veterinary antibiotics with fixed prices so expensive that they are no longer prescribed to the consequences of the catastrophic living conditions and the turbo breeding in the cheap meat and to compensate for the cheap production of milk,” said Benning.
None non-offered consistently contaminated chicken meat
The poultry meat samples were taken from the discounters and super market companies Edeka, Rewe, Lidl, Aldi and Metro, which together determine 90 percent of the food market in Germany.
According to Germanwatch, none of the “Top 5” of the supermarket corporations are not offered consistently-contaminated chicken meat.
The meat samples of the Penny, therefore, to about 80 percent, chicken meat from Aldi was contaminated to 75 percent.
Net-chicken-were 58 percent majority of contaminated. Every third sample from Lidl and Real branches showed, respectively, that are resistant to pathogens.
As the experts report, meadows of the test 20 percent of the cheap-chicken multi-drug resistance on purchases against three different classes of Antibiotics at the same time, six meat samples carried MRSA (ten percent) and three chicken samples ESBL-forming germs (five percent).
The study of the chicken meat samples of the four biggest sales-generating slaughterhouse companies (PHW group, Sprehe group, Plukon Germany and rothkötter group) for chicken in Germany, was carried out by the laboratory of Pharmaceutical Microbiology at the University of Greifswald.
Hofschlachtungen without resistance to reserve antibiotics
In addition, germanwatch eleven sample purchases in Hofschlachtereien made from the whole of Germany.
One of these chicken meat samples from artisanal slaughter was contaminated with MRSA.
Contamination with resistance to reserve antibiotics have not been found in the Hofschlachtungen.
The load on a sample with MRSA should be reflected. The result of the sample bills, compared to 56 percent of polluted samples from industrial slaughter on the existence of a health advantage for meat from artisanal slaughter indicate.
Six of the eleven samples from Hofschlachtungen came from organic Farms. In these Eco-chicken meat samples no antibiotics were found to be resistant germs.
Spread of antibiotic-resistant pathogens in the fight
According to the world health organization (WHO) die every year worldwide, approximately 700,000 people to the consequences of antibiotic resistance.
In Germany there are, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) per year up to 4,000 people.
The EU Agency for Disease control, ECDC, reported to 2018, the number of infections by resistant germs, since 2007, has increased significantly.
So in 2015, more than 670,000 infections were counted with resistant bacteria in Europe, 33,000 people died as a result of infections with antibiotic-resistant pathogens, of which around two-thirds of the health care are associated with it.
Foods are considered safe as a mode of Transmission for antibiotic resistance, but it is not known to what extent.
“With this study, Germanwatch would like to make a contribution to fight the spread of antibiotic-resistant pathogens from livestock are significantly more effective. It is currently in the foreground, to get the so-called reserve antibiotics with the highest priority for people first and foremost, for human medicine to be effective,“ write the experts.
And: “German watch urges to secure a reserve of antibiotics, according to the UN health organization for ill people and to stop these drugs on all levels of mass animal husbandry in hatcheries and Breeding farms, as the Federal Council has already discussed.” (ad)