Addicted to the sun? Research shows it’s in your genes

Sun-seeking behavior is linked to genes involved in addiction, behavioral and personality traits, and brain function, according to a study of more than 260,000 people led by King’s College London researchers.

This means that people’s behavior towards seeking sun is complicated by a genetic predisposition, and this needs to be taken into account when designing skin cancer awareness campaigns.

The researchers studied detailed health information of 2,500 twins from TwinsUK, including their sun-seeking behavior and genetics. Identical twins in a pair were more likely to have a similar sun-seeking behavior than non-identical twins, indicating that genetics play a key role.

The team then identified five key genes involved in sun-seeking behavior from a further analysis of 260,000 participants from other cohorts. Some of these genes have been linked to behavioral traits associated with risk-taking and addiction, including smoking, cannabis and alcohol consumption and number of sexual partners.

Senior author Dr. Mario Falchi from King’s College London said: “Our results suggest that tackling excessive sun exposure or use of tanning beds might be more challenging than expected, as it is influenced by genetic factors. It is important for the public to be aware of this predisposition, as it could make people more mindful of their behavior and the potential harms of excessive sun exposure.”

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