Home » Health News » Worst sleeping positions impacting your health – from snoring to heart disease
Worst sleeping positions impacting your health – from snoring to heart disease
After a long hard day we all enter our bedrooms, switch off the lights, get into our beds and strike a pose.
Certain sleeping positions are favoured over others and many believe that particular position helps promote a faster and better sleep.
However, some sleeping positions are said to impact other health conditions and should be avoided or at least altered in some way to minimise the damage.
Poor sleep and incorrect sleeping positions are said to increase a number of age-related diseases including heart attacks and Alzheimer's disease. On the other hand, one other sleeping position is said to be linked to a longer life.
With all this in mind, what are the best and worst sleeping positions for your health?
Side sleeping
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Side sleeping is said to be the best type of position for those who are inclined to suffering with a bad back.
Experts recommend to help take off more pressure on your hips and back, you can put a pillow between your legs.
For those natural back sleepers, putting a pillow under your knees helps to keep the natural curve of your back.
Sleep expert from Eachnight Kiera Pritchard further reiterates the benefits of being a side sleeper.
Kiera said: "Perhaps the biggest advantage to sleeping on your side instead of your back is that side sleeping can prevent snoring.
“Back sleeping can often lead to worsened snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea.
“Your jaw, tongue, and other soft tissues collapse in your throat when you lie on your back. The collapsed soft tissue narrows your airway and makes breathing more difficult, thus resulting in snoring.”
Stomach lying
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Lying on the stomach is the least common way to sleep, and is supposed to be bad for your back and neck.
Sleeping in this position can put a strain on your back and spine because most of your weight is in the middle of your body.
This makes it difficult to maintain a neutral spine when you sleep in this position. It also puts a strain on your neck, because you'll likely have to turn your head to the side, twisting the neck and moving it out of alignment with the rest of your spine.
Poor posture during sleep can also lead to other complications like headaches or shoulder and arm pain.
Sleeping on your back
Lying on the back is said to be the worst position when it comes to snoring.
Lying on your back makes the base of your tongue and soft palate collapse to the back wall of your throat, causing a vibrating sound during sleep.
Sleeping on your side may help prevent this.
“See your doctor if your snoring makes you gasp for breath or feel tired the next day, or if it wakes you (or your partner) up,” says WebMD.
The health site added: “Loud snoring can be a sign that you may have sleep apnoea.”
Sleep apnoea is a condition that stops and restarts your breathing when you sleep.
The condition could lead to strokes, high blood pressure or heart disease.
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