Researchers: bread is regarded as a common trigger for bloating

The longer the dough-time that makes the bread acceptable

The so-called bloat is a mass phenomenon. More and more people suffer from digestive disorders, abdominal pinching and bloated stomach. A study indicates that our daily bread can be a (co-)perpetrator. But bread, as such, is not the main responsible, but the type of preparation. This is evidenced by a study.

People with a bloating have problems with the consumption of bread. The consumption often leads to severe bloating. Scientists from the University of Hohenheim found now in the case of an investigation, that a longer dough-walking time breaks down indigestible sugars in the bread and flatulence can be avoided. So the bread for people with an irritable bowel-friendly. It makes no difference what grain the bread was baked. Important is only the type of production is easy. The researchers published the results of their study in the journal “science direct”.

Traditionally baked bread gets irritable bowel patients much better

If we make the bread dough according to the traditional method, and it is particularly long, be by this operation, the most indigestible FODMAP sugar is reduced, the authors explain. This also works in bread from the normal wheat. So the Grain does not determine the compatibility but the type of production, add the experts. This traditionally-baked bread, get many irritable bowel patients much better.

Many people in Germany suffer from irritable bowel syndrome

Under a so-called irritable bowel syndrome, we understand a group of functional bowel disorders. The syndrome affects a lot of people in Germany. Up to 50 percent of visits to gastroenterologists are due to the diseases of this bowel, the scientists explain. The researchers speculate that twelve percent of the people in Germany suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Ill often have abdominal cramps, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. The exact reasons for this are as yet unknown. However, it is observed in many of the Affected by the consumption of wheat bread, the symptoms increase, say the authors.

What Helps with irritable bowel syndrome?

Doctors advise people, for example, that you can alleviate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome by Yoga. In addition, it is important to observe a healthy diet. Also psyllium irritable bowel to help syndrome. No pains are too strong, cumin-body pads to reduce the pain.

So-called FODMAPs for bloating

But what exactly could cause these symptoms? So-called FODMAPs are sugar compounds, which consist of up to fourteen different sugar molecules, explain the researchers. These Compounds can not be absorbed in the small intestine of the affected IBS patients is sufficient. For this reason, FODMAPs enter largely undigested in the large intestine of the Affected. In the colon they then form large quantities of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane. This process then leads to painful flatulence, experts say

Bread from Urgetreiden easier to digest?

Over the years people have reported with a irritable bowel more often that you can tolerate bread from Urgetreiden much better. These include so-called Urgetreiden Einkorn, Durum, spelt and Emmer, for example. What could be the reason for this? The so-called FODMAPs contain so-called ancient grains, perhaps just less? A Team of researchers from the University of Hohenheim analyzed the FODMAP content of different cereals. The result of this study was surprising, explains Jochen Ziegler of the University of Hohenheim.

Ancient grains contains only slightly less FODMAPs

The so-called ancient grain is by no means acceptable. The researchers found that cereals such as spelt, Durum and Emmer contain lower amounts of FODMAPs. However, the differences are not large enough to alleviate the symptoms of many IBS patients. Amazingly, Einkorn wheat contained even more FODMAPs than the normal bread, add the researchers.

Critical to the wholesomeness of the walking time of the dough is

The results of the levels of FODMAPs in grains brought no clarity. Why are breads made from ancient grains are better tolerated? The researchers began to investigate the preparation of the Brotteigs in more detail. Specifically, the so-called walking time to the traditional methods of production of baked breads were interested in the scientists. For this reason, they analyzed doughs with different walking times. These doughs rested for either one, two, four or even four and a half hours, the authors explain.

Longer rising times for the dough to lead to less FODMAPS in the dough

Quickly, it was in this investigation is clear: The longer a dough is allowed to go, the less FODMAPs remain afterwards. In today’s time most of the baking bakeries your dough after an hour, explained the senior author Reinhold Carle. At this time, the majority of FODMAPs in accordance with the measurements of the investigation, but in the dough. When the dough has rested, instead, four and a half hours, contained even the dough is made from bread wheat, only ten percent of the low molecular weight sugar, say the scientists.

Traditional cooking with the advantages of

The results show that the grains used are crucial. More important is the way the dough seems to be preparation. The traditional preparation of bakers causes the discomfort-causing ingredients in the bread to bake are already degraded, explains Carle. Therefore, IBS patients may tolerate such a traditionally-baked loaves better.

Advantages of “Slow baking”

The so-called “Slow baking”, however, has further advantages. The slower pace of preparation increases the quality of the bread. The included flavors such breads develop better, say the authors. In addition, a longer walking time causes the dough more zinc and iron in a biologically usable Form. This fact is a further advantage of traditionally produced breads. This for our health-positive values to help people without irritable bowel syndrome, add the experts. (as)