Hopps vaccine forge reports successful Tests – German Islands rebel against tourists-plans

Coronavirus pandemic relates to medicine, politics, tourism and society: More than four million people have already been infected with the causative agent of Sars-CoV-2, 172.944 of them in Germany. All the latest news on Corona-Pandamie from Germany, Europe and the world, you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.

Coronavirus pandemic – the top stories: Trump threatens China with rupture of relations (06.11 PM), 861 new positive Corona Tests in Germany – more than 150,000 Convalescent (19.10) the SPD wants to question time with Laschet assert (17.02 PM)

More News, services, and ideas to the Corona of a pandemic can be found on our overview of the portal

RKI introduces new R-value is higher than the old one

06.46 PM: On Thursday evening, the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) for the first time, the new, smoothed R-value is presented. He is 0.88. The RKI would have determined the R-value in accordance with the old procedure, he would lie at 0.75.

In the smoothed R-value Hotspots can be expected for a Corona, as the last of the slaughterhouses. Such outliers can distort the value. In the smoothed R-value is an average value. He refers to a longer period of time and is therefore subject to less current fluctuations.

The R-value, the reproductive number is called, indicates how many people are infects a of Infected with the Virus. The value is below 1, it means that an Infected person infects less than one other Person. The lower the value, the better. For the policy of the R-value is an important value because it determines how far the output constraints are relaxed in the Corona-crisis.

TOP NEWS: Trump threatens China with rupture of relations, be a consultant to submit with the turmoil of laboratory theories

06.11 PM: US President Donald Trump has in the dispute with China to dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic, the sound intensified, and with a termination of the relationship threatened. He wanted to "in the Augenblick" not with Chinese President Xi Jinping to speak, Trump said the channel Fox Business on Thursday. He was "very enttäuscht" the attitude of Beijing in the Coronavirus pandemic. He had a "very good Verhältnis" to Xi, simply did not want to talk to him now.

On the question of possible retaliation by the U.S. against China, Trump was not specific about the steps, there was a threatening tone: "There are many things we could do. We could cancel all the relationships." Evan Vucci/AP/dpa , Peter Navarro, an Advisor of the US President, Trump

In Washington, as good as no day, where there will be no accusations against China in connection with the Corona-pandemic be expressed goes on anyway currently. Trumps trade consultant Peter Navarro to put on Thursday. China got the Virus in November "probably, in this weapons lab in Wuhan" created, said Navarro to the channel Fox News. Then, the country had the Virus "two months behind the protective shield of the world health organization versteckt", Protection of equipment from all over the world "gehortet", People are killed, and eventually Profit from the crisis hit. "Now hackers of the Chinese government are trying to steal information about the vaccination so that you can restore them first."

For the previously Navarro expressed assumption that the Virus was created in a lab for bio-weapons, there is no evidence. The same applies to the accusation that the Virus to come, possibly, from a research laboratory in the city of Wuhan. Scientists believe that it is much more likely that Sars-CoV is 2% of natural origin and from animals to humans has been transferred.

Already more than 300 000 Corona-the Dead world

21.50 PM: Since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, according to U.S. researchers worldwide, and more than 300 000 people due to an infection died. The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore reported until Thursday afternoon (local time) good 4.4 million known infections and 300 074 deaths. The novel Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 can trigger the lung disease Covid-19.

The published by the University infection and death figures are generally higher than those of the world health organization (WHO), because they are not regularly updated. In some cases, the Figures have been corrected and also back down. The WHO had been reported until Wednesday to around 4.2 million in documented infections, and nearly 290 000 deaths.

TOP NEWS: 861 positive Corona Tests in Germany – more than 150,000 Convalescent

19.10: The number of new positive Corona Tests in Germany is on Thursday at 861. Thus, the total number of confirmed Covid rises-19-infections 172.944. In the past 24 hours, 76 people died in total. Thus, 7788 deaths are now in connection with the Coronavirus in Germany occurred. This results in an evaluation of the individual information from the health ministries of the countries.

As the Robert-Koch-Institut, announced on Thursday, increased the number of Recovering in Germany now at around 150,300. The reproduction number is slightly decreased to a value of 0.75.

Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.

  • Baden-Württemberg: 33.804 (1629 Deaths)
  • Bavaria: 45.352 (2250 Deaths)
  • Berlin: 6393 (177 Deaths)
  • Brandenburg: 3173 (162 Deaths)
  • Bremen: 1132 (36 Deaths)
  • Hamburg: 4973 (205 Deaths)
  • Hesse: 9169 (423 Deaths)
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 740 (20 Deaths)
  • Lower Saxony: 11075 (537 Deaths)
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: 35.723 (1482 Deaths)
  • Rhineland-Palatinate: 6406 (212 Deaths)
  • Saarland: 2656 (151 Deaths)
  • Saxony: 5046 (194 Deaths)
  • Saxony-Anhalt: 1657 (52 Deaths)
  • Schleswig-Holstein: 2982 (125 Deaths)
  • Thuringia: 2663 (133 Deaths)

Total: Version 14.05., 19.10 PM, 172.944 (7788 Deaths)

The Day Before: The State 13.05., 20.15 Clock, 172.083 (7712 Deaths)

Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries.

The number of Healed, according to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, with around 150,300

Currently, the RKI reported reproduction number: 0,75 (as of 14.05.)

Virologist Drosten: Until the summer of 2021, we expect 10,000-Corona-dead

19.09 PM: virologist Christian Drosten compares the current situation in the corona of a crisis with the dance stage with a Tiger, in the meanwhile, while on a leash is, its a risk but continue. A certain amount of infections is to take in, but this would be exceeded, must the Lockdown immediately. More: The goal to save 300 new infections of the day – the economy and the people: Drosten speaks enthusiastically about the new Corona study

Coronavirus News: man not wearing a mask in the Bus, and locked in place

19.00: A man in a Bus in Sing (Kreis Konstanz) refused a face mask to wear – and then rioted. As the bus driver asked him to get Off, the Situation escalated, the police announced. The 23-Year-old threatened the driver in the night to Thursday with a stick, and called the police to help. Officials took the aggressive man in custody. On the way to the station he was injured slightly, according to a police officer. The rest of the night, the rioters spent in a cell.

Differences to the flu: Because good Corona-prevention measures exaggerated

FOCUS Online differences to the flu: Because good Corona-prevention measures exaggerated

NRW raises quarantine rule for returnees to

18.55 PM: North Rhine-Westphalia lifts the quarantine rule for returning from the neighbouring European States. A report of the "Rhine Post" (Friday) confirmed the German press Agency on Thursday evening from NRW-government circles. The new rules, which kick on Friday at 0 o’clock, it said. NRW Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) has brought a regulation on the way. So far, the returnees from overseas had to go because of Corona pandemic for two weeks in home quarantine.

Laschet was used several times for easy travel. "Therefore, we should finish this week the closure of the Border and Europe herstellen", had declared the düsseldorf head of government on Tuesday.

Covid-19-Experiment in the Restaurant shows that After 30 minutes all were infected at the table

FOCUS Online/Wochit Covid-19-Experiment in the Restaurant shows that After 30 minutes would all be at the table infected

Sweden extends ban on entry of Non-EU countries to 15. June

17.32 PM: Sweden has to be in the Corona-crisis, enacted a temporary ban for a further month until 15. June extended. The ban, which the Swedish government already on may 19. March had introduced, applies to all people who want to travel from outside the EU, the UK and the countries of the European free-trade zone to Sweden. The decision to extend was made on the recommendation of the EU Commission, and aims to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus, such as the Swedish Ministry of justice announced on Thursday.

Exceptions for diplomats and seasonal workers remain in place. Swedish citizens and people living in Sweden can continue to return to the country.

TOP NEWS: SPD-wants to enforce question hour with Laschet

17.02 PM: The SPD wants to question hours in the Parliament plenary with Reporting obligations of the Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) to enforce. The group will submit an application for the Amendment of the rules of procedure, said SPD parliamentary leader Thomas Kutschaty on Thursday in Düsseldorf.

If in the Bundestag question time with German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) is possible, must the also in the NRW state Parliament with Laschet. In the NRW state Parliament question time takes place in each of the first plenary session of the month, in which all members are entitled to certain topics to address short oral questions to the government. According to the Department of the responsible Minister or a representative will respond usually. Whether it would be for the planned Amendment of the SPD a majority, however, is unclear.

Specifically criticized Kutschaty that Laschet at the last question time in the plenary session by Finance Minister Lutz lienenkämper (CDU) had represented. It was the role of the Agency story machine in the public Relations for the Heinsberg-study of the Coronavirus.

TOP NEWS: CureVac reports success in vaccine search

15.53 PM: The German pharmaceutical company CureVac, the majority owner of patron Dietmar Hopp is reported successful progress in the development of a vaccine. The leading vaccine candidate, the company was in "preclinical studies at a dose of only two micro-grams of positive results erzielt", it said in a statement.

Further, it States: "The present data show a well-balanced immune response, associated with the formation of a high number of virus-neutralizing Titers (VNTs) and T-cells. VNTs are a key indicator that the vaccine candidate can induce a strong immunological reaction for the neutralization of SARS-CoV-2." In June, a clinical trial of the vaccine is to start with healthy volunteers.

Study: Coronavirus is also commonly affects the kidneys and other organs

14.29 PM: The new Coronavirus infects, according to a study by the University hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) in addition to the lungs, many other organs. "Sars-CoV-2, the novel Corona-Virus, is not only a lung virus, but a Multiorganvirus", the head of the study, Tobias Huber said, on Thursday in Hamburg. The examinations of 27 Covid have shown-19 dead patients. The second most frequently affected Organ in this study, the kidney, "not infrequently, up to a total Organausfall". In addition, the excitation in the heart, liver, brain, and blood evidence. The highest concentrations were found in the cells of the respiratory tract.

The infection of the kidney is likely to be the cause of the Covid-19-were Ill often abnormalities in the urine, said Huber. "In addition, this could explain the extremely high Rate of up to 50 percent of acute kidney failure in Covid-19-patients."

The possible infestation of other organs should be taken into account in the treatment of Corona patients. Further studies should clarify whether the urine changes as an early warning system for heavy-Covid-19-could serve gradients, said Huber

At the end of the special arrangements: sick leave from 1. June with the visit to the Practice

13.22: workers may until the end of may, after telephone consultation with the doctor on the sick-leave. 1. June will be a visit to the Practice necessary for this, such as the Federal Joint Committee of Doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies decided on Thursday unanimously. The end of the special regulation because of the Corona-crisis, in line with the current assessment of the risk situation, which have led to relaxations in many areas, made by the Chairman of the Board, Joseph hedges, clearly. dpa/Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa workers with Cold symptoms in the Corona-crisis continue to be by telephone by the doctor on the sick-leave.

Until the 31. May apply now, that the incapacity for work certificates are due to slight respiratory problems for up to seven calendar days by phone. This can also be made by telephone to a further seven days extended. The Federal Committee had extended the temporary exemption in the past few months several times. The background was to reduce contagion possibilities and to relieve the burden on practices. The German medical Association had requested to extend the special regime, at least until the end of June.

Hedges said the practices were given with the last date of extension of about two weeks, a time frame, to be organized on the restoration of the rule operation set. He pointed out that the equipment with masks and other protective equipment had now been ensured as far as possible. In many practices, there is hygiene concepts. Patients could take medical care, without increased infection risks. This is important to be able to serious diseases in a timely manner and treat recognize. In the case of a higher infection dynamics could also be at short notice decided, a new special scheme.

TOP NEWS: Corona-crisis – German Islands rebel against tourists-plans

13.14 PM: the island of Föhr and Amrum support the Sylter concerns to a later Opening of the Islands for day-trippers. Together with the Amt Föhr-Amrum and the Amrum Touristik there is also a Letter, said a spokeswoman for the island of Föhr Touristik GmbH on Thursday the German press Agency. "We are glad and always has been, and about our guests. We have during the ban on Access to the Islands and Halligen, a lot of our guests thought." Föhr is very well booked. "The Boom in tourism in Germany is to be expected and are pleased, of course, after a week-long losing streak with fancy Easter season, very." The ultimate goal, however, is that all had a restful, relaxing and safe stay and remained healthy. Carsten Rehder/dpa

"The medical island supply is generally not designed well, however on exceptional situations. Such exceptional situation we have with the Corona pandemic, however." They had hoped that the announced Dreifstufenplan. "Now, everything from 0 to 100 percent that would overwhelm our infrastructure completely." We hope, therefore, "the district of North Friesland does not comply with the request, and a corresponding special scheme ausspricht".

Already at the beginning of the week, all the Sylter municipalities, entrepreneurs and Sylt Marketing had the island of Sylt, in a Letter to the North-Friesland district administrator, Florian Lorenzen, the call made to extend the prohibition of entry for one-day tourists on the Islands. From Monday the ban on entry for tourist and recreational purposes to Schleswig should be omitted-Holstein, as well as the prohibition for the Islands and the Halligen. The circles should but given the opportunity, if necessary, specific rules are implemented to limit the days of tourism.

Coronavirus-News: the Thuringian town will start now Test

12.24 PM: Jena infection, researchers on Wednesday in Neustadt am Rennsteig with Tests for a scientific Corona trial started. The residents of the place that was once completely under quarantine to be studied on a voluntary Basis again. In addition to blood collection, swabs should be taken and filled out questionnaires. The scientists hope will provide new insights to combat the Virus.

"The Heinsberg-study is very fragwürdig", Thuringia’s science Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee (SPD) said on Thursday. Therefore, wool &quot now;under better scientific Bedingungen" test.

Of the approximately 900 inhabitants in the place had been locked down as yet, only in Thuringia, due to heaping Corona-infections for two weeks. The implementation of the 22. March imposed quarantine had been controlled by the police. Most of the inhabitants had been tested in the course of the Isolation of the Virus, also symptoms of the disease and contact persons have been documented.

Further messages to the Coronavirus from this News Ticker you can find on the next page

Edeka and net are now selling masks of Van Laack

chip.de Edeka and net are now selling masks of Van Laack


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More News on Coronavirus

  • The countries-Overview of the Live card to the Virus outbreak
  • The Coronavirus is from the Radar with the facts and Figures
  • Here you will learn what rules apply in your state
  • Important step forward for Drug discovery: researchers discover vulnerability of Sars-CoV-2


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