Expert’s five tips on how to beat ‘frustrating’ post-Covid fatigue

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Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic patients have reported a myriad of different symptoms. Among them, however, fatigue – or extreme tiredness – is frequently cited as a problem. And some even experience this long after their initial bout of the disease.

Yasmin Alexander, registered nutritionist at VitaBright, spoke with about how to best fight this.

She said: “One of those long-lasting symptoms includes feeling fatigued or tired even after the sickness has passed.

“There are numerous things that can be done to help people feel more energetic such as maintaining a healthy diet and taking supplements.”

She added: ”Having symptoms of Omicron, long after the sickness is gone can be frustrating.

“Following these tips, though, is sure to help you with your battle against these long-lasting symptoms from this Covid variant.”

Healthy diet

Balance your diet and include things like fresh fruits and vegetables as well as things high in protein, such as fish, in your diet.

One diet that is especially helpful is the Mediterranean diet which includes a lot of plant-based foods such as nuts, seeds, and legumes.

Finally, avoid trans fats and too much sugar in your diet.


Staying hydrated is especially important when trying to get rid of post-Covid fatigue.

Hydration prevents brain fog and heals the body from fatigue while helping our bodies breathe without trouble.

Additionally, staying hydrated will help our bodies replenish any fluids that were lost.


Exercise releases endorphins which in turn help decrease stress and tension that has built up and reduce pain.

Any type of exercise can be beneficial, including short walks around your neighbourhood.

If you are unable to take a walk, there are plenty of stationary exercises you can do in the comfort of your home to release endorphins, such as squats and burpees.


Taking supplements regularly can ensure that our bodies have enough of the vitamins we need to help tackle the symptoms of post-Covid fatigue.

Keep a close eye on things like super B vitamin complex, which contains all of the eight main B vitamins, and dual active vitamin B12, which helps the nervous system and reduces fatigue.

Vitamin D3 is also an important one as it will boost your immune system.

Good sleep routine

Having a good sleep routine, where you follow a schedule to go to sleep and wake up at the same time is helpful in getting the sleep you need.

Additionally, you can include power naps throughout your day to get the necessary sleep.

Melatonin is a supplement that can be used by those who struggle with falling asleep and staying asleep.

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