Coronavirus UK update: COVID-19 cases and deaths continue to rise – self-care tips

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Since October 31, the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths have continuously increased. The UK entered the national lockdown at midnight on Thursday, November 5 – here’s how to cope with the winter lockdown.

The government’s most up-to-date statistics demonstrate that 159,784 people have tested positive for coronavirus from November 1 to November 7.

This is an increase of 1.4 percent compared to data collected between October 25 to October 31.

In the past seven days (from November 1 to November 7), coronavirus has claimed the lives of 2,333 people who tested positive for the virus in the previous 28 days. This is a 28.9 percent increase from the previous week.

Just before the lockdown was implemented, 10,274 people were admitted to hospital between October 28 to November 3.

As of Sunday November 8, a total of 48,888 people in the UK have died due to coronavirus.

Professor James Naismith, from the University of Oxford, said: “The national lockdown will not begin to show up in ONS figures for another two weeks.

“We would expect it to bring a rapid decrease in the number of new infections.”

National restrictions

In England, national lockdown restrictions are set to continue until Wednesday, December 2.

The new government measures “will reduce the growth rate of the virus,” with three clear aims:

  • Prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed
  • Ensure schools, colleges and universities can stay open
  • Ensure that as many people as possible can continue to work

Underpinned by law, the police have the power to give fines and to break up gatherings.

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Self-care tips

As the British public face another three weeks of national lockdown, the mental health charity Mind shares its expertise.

“Although the coronavirus pandemic may mean that your choices are more limited, try to focus on the things you can change,” suggests Mind.

“For example, you could spend time cooking and trying some new winter recipes, or learning a new skill.”

It’s helpful to “get the most of natural light” during the winter, which can include sitting by a window to look at the sky or trees, and to birdwatch.

Even though it’s cold outside, a winter walk can still be a great experience.

“It may also help to bring a warm drink with you in a flask, or have a hot drink after your time outdoors to warm yourself up,” says Mind.

Are you stuck for ideas to keep yourself entertained indoors? Mind has more than a handful of suggestions:

  • Arts and crafts, such as drawing, colouring, painting or collage
  • Sewing or craft kits
  • Upcycling or finding creative new uses for things
  • DIY
  • Playing musical instruments, singing or listening to music
  • Writing
  • Yoga or exercise
  • Mindfulness
  • Meditation
  • Read books, magazines or articles
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Watch films
  • Do puzzles
  • Online courses

“If you’re struggling with low mood, your self-esteem may drop, and it can feel as if you’re failing at everything,” shared Mind.

To combat this, start out with “achievable goals, like getting dressed every day or cooking yourself a meal”.

“It can help you feel good and boost your self-confidence,” assures Mind.

Do you feel lonely? “Listen to a chatty radio station or podcast if your home feels too quiet,” suggests Mind.

Also make time to connect with people you care about – whether it’s by phone, email, letter, video call or a walk outside.

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