Coronavirus: Cases of a ‘silent killer’ condition have increased during the pandemic

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In the years before the pandemic, the scientists found no significant changes in blood pressure.

During the pandemic, this changed.

As weeks turned into months, they started to notice the average blood pressure rise further and further.

Whilst the rise was uniform across the population, differences arose between age groups.

The study found that older participants had increased systolic blood pressure whilst younger participants had increased diastolic blood pressure.

Systolic blood pressure comes from a phase of the heartbeat known as the systole when the heart is pushing the blood into the arteries.

Similarly, diastolic blood pressure comes from a phase in the heartbeat known as the diastole.

This type of blood pressure is a measurement of the gap between each heartbeat.

There is no one cause of this general rise in blood pressure.

Some researchers have put it down to bad habits developing or worsening during the pandemic.

Others have said that people’s hesitancy to see their doctor has meant that a blood pressure that would have been curtailed, hasn’t.

There are a number of potential causes and risk factors that can put anyone at risk of developing high blood pressure.

As well as a poor diet, high blood pressure can also be caused by:
• Diabetes
• Kidney disease
• Kidney infections
• Sleep apnoea, a condition that narrows the walls of the throat
• Hormone problems
• Lupus, a condition that attacks the immune system
• Scleroderma – a skin condition
• Glomerulonephritis – damage to the kidney’s filters

Fortunately, blood pressure is easily treatable.

This can be done through lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, cutting down on alcohol, staying active and drinking less caffeine.

Medicines may also be employed.

If an individual has any concerns about their blood pressure, it is very easy to get it measured and checked.

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