The best time of day to exercise – new study suggests its different for men and women

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Exercise is a major boon for longevity because it reduces your risk of a range of chronic diseases. It also brings psychological benefits. However, what’s less clear is the optimal time of day to exercise.

A new study published in Frontiers in Physiology provides some clarity on this question.

The study suggests the optimal time to exercise differs between the genders.

It found women burned more body fat during morning exercise, whereas evenings counted more for men.

The study covers new ground because previous research has mainly focused on men, the researchers said.

Differences in hormones, in biological clocks and sleep-wake cycles between the sexes, could all play a role, they noted.

How they gathered their findings

The study recruited 30 men and 26 women – all active and healthy, and between 25 and 55 years old – and monitored them over the course of 12 weeks.

The researchers examined the effects of a varied fitness programme, which included stretching, sprint, resistance and endurance training.

One group exercised for an hour before 08:30 while the other group followed the same activities in the evening, between 18:00 and 20:00. All participants followed a specially-designed meal plan.

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The researchers tested everyone’s blood pressure and body fat over the course of the study, as well as their flexibility, strength and aerobic power at the start and end.

All those who took part in the study improved their overall health and performance over the 12-week trial, no matter when they exercised.

“The best time for exercise is the best time you can do it and fit it into your schedule,” said Doctor Paul Arcerio, lead study author and professor of health and human physiological sciences at Skidmore College, New York state.

But he suggested there is “something else going on” which may mean the ideal time of day to exercise is different for women and men.

Based on the results, women interested in reducing fat around their middle and reducing their blood pressure should aim to exercise in the morning, Doctor Arcerio said.

This is important because belly – or abdominal – fat wraps around the body’s internal organs, including the liver, and can be dangerous.

However, he said women trying to improve muscle strength in their upper body as well as their overall mood and food intake, should take evening exercise,

The men in the trial were less sensitive to the time of day they exercised, improving their strength in the mornings and evenings.

But evening exercise was found to be “ideal for men interested in improving heart and metabolic health, as well as emotional wellbeing,” said Doctor Arcerio.

Improving metabolic health builds a buffer against conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

It’s not clear exactly why men and women’s responses to the timing of exercise were so different, and the researchers said more research is needed to find out more.

They said women may burn more body fat in the morning because they are more likely to have excess belly fat. The body’s internal rhythms may also be a factor.

The study tracked people with a healthy weight, but the researchers said the programme could also work on people who are overweight or obese.

“They have more opportunity to benefit,” said Doctor Arcerio.

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