'My body is creating life': Woman uses period blood to water her plants

The trick to keeping your plants alive might be in your menstrual blood, says one woman who practices Shamanism.

Jessica Mckasson, 37, who lives in Costa Rica, says the religious practice inspired her to ‘give back to the Earth’ according to its ancient traditions.

Believing it to be ‘good’ for her plants, Jessica waters her plants with her period blood, saying it provides them with nitrogen, potassium and ‘incredible properties’.

After growing up feeling a sense of shame around her periods, she now gets ‘experiences of ecstasy and magic’ from them.

She collects her blood using her menstrual cup, pours it into a bottle, and uses water to dilute it.

She said: ‘I go outside and express my gratitude for Mother Nature.

‘It’s sacred and something celebrated. It’s truly the most beautiful gift.’

Jessica said Shamanism led her on ‘on a deep journey.’

‘Sharman’s believe a woman’s womb is the most important and powerful thing,’ she explained.

‘Before, I had never understood what it means to be a woman.

‘I grew up never talking about periods and thinking it was a disadvantage.

‘But women’s blood is a symbol of abundance and health.’

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‘Women used to free bleed. They would walk through the crops with the blood running down their legs into the earth. They saw what it did to the land,’ she added.

‘I go outside and express my gratitude for Mother Nature. It’s sacred and something celebrated. It’s truly the most beautiful gift.’

There is some science in it – farmers currently use ‘blood meal’ on plants, which is the actual blood that is the by-product of livestock production.

This natural and organic fertiliser gets dried up into a powder and offers many benefits for crops. 

‘Plants use nitrogen in order to grow, reproduce, and produce enzymes and nucleic acids,’ according to Earth Science Growing, a company which makes organic garden care products.

‘They also use it to make chlorophyll molecules, which are molecules that capture sunlight and help to convert it into food.

‘Because nitrogen is used in all of these functions, plants need it in fairly large quantities in order to survive.’

However, when using period blood, there are limitations to its success as each person’s bleed will have different levels of sodium, calcium and iron included.

Also, blood needs to be ‘watered down’ so that the salt doesn’t negatively impact your plants. 

‘Because menses composition can’t really be predicted or modified, it’s far less likely to have successful and reproducible results on your plants’ health than a for-purpose fertilizer product,’ according to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, citing soil scientist Dr. Oliver Knox.

‘Women’s blood is a symbol of abundance and health. My body is creating something – creating life. It’s truly mind blowing,’ said Jessica.

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