Jeff Goldblum thinks he knows how to make you age better

Jeff Goldblum charms Louise Minchin and Dan Walker

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The Hollywood legend is perhaps most famous for his role in The Independence day. In this film, as Goldblum’s character develops he has few qualms about dying and even performs a daring suicide mission. But the actor behind is also fearless in the face of death. Writing for GQ, Goldblum revealed his attitude is to ride with the natural course of things. Remarkably, his lax approach may even be responsible for his seemingly slow ageing.

“If I have a mantra in my life, if I aspire to anything, it’s to learn from nature and be part of nature—and do the best with the nature I have,” he said.

He was introduced to this attitude, which he admits could mean anything, by his acting teacher Sandy Meisner. He writes that “one of the things it can mean is not fighting the ageing process”.

As part of this approach, he eats a diet that feels natural to him. It happens to be extremely healthy.

“I want to eat something that has integrity. I’m constantly seeing how I feel—what seems best for my inner environment and our shared outer environment,” he wrote.

“I like fruits and vegetables and whole grains and lean protein.”

On top of eating antioxidant-rich fruit and vegetables, which have been shown to support longevity, he also keeps away from unnatural junk food and drinking, which both increase the risk of death, and the ageing process.

“I’ve come not to enjoy the stuff I’ve cut out: sugary stuff, fatty stuff, fried stuff. I’m not a big drinker. I don’t like the taste, and it has no appeal to me. In general, I avoid things that make me buzzy. I’m plenty buzzy as is.”

Highly processed foods loaded with fat, salt, sugar, and starch could be ageing you prematurely, a recent study by the University of Navarra in Pamplona found.

The study found telomeres, which are parts of the DNA that protect the structure of our genetics, were much more likely to be shorter in people that ate three or more portions of junk food.

When telomeres become shorter, they are less able to protect the structure of our DNA, and cells age and die quicker.

Goldblum also stays incredibly active. He shared how he aims for 10,000 steps a day on his FitBit – which is perhaps not so consistent with his ‘live naturally’ mantra, but still beneficial.

He also joked that he “chest presses” his young son as if he were a metal bar in the gym.

Perhaps more important than working out with his child is the fact he doesn’t smoke.

His advice to others is not to smoke as “we know about that now”.

And he’s not wrong – tobacco has been shown to damage skin cells, leading to premature ageing of the skin.

The star also recommends a career that you’re passionate about. “Find out what you’re interested in and move around—and don’t stop moving,” he added.

A comprehensive study by University College London looked at 11,000 people over 50 for nearly 10 years.

Participants rated their happiness several times a day and took saliva samples. What they realised was startling: The happiest among them were 35 percent less likely to die over the next five years.

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