How to sleep: The best method to cure insomnia – ancient practises v modern day solutions

Ayurveda medicine is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems and was developed over 3,000 years ago in India. The Ayurveda guide to sleeping offers some interesting tips. Ayurveda experts at CGH Earth’s Kalari Rasayana in India, doctor Poornima Sreelal said: “In Ayurveda, the dosha is the biological energies found in the body and mind that govern all physical.

“The Tarpak Kapha is a sub-disha of water and nourishes the brain cells and facilitates a good nights sleep.

“Imbalance of this dosha causes poor nourishment of the brain cells leading to insomnia. A way to combat this is drinking a glass of rich milk with nutmeg before bedtime.

“The Sadhak Pitta is a sub-dosha of fire and is located in the heart. It controls emotions, desires and spirituality and an imbalance of this makes a person exhibit workaholic tendencies. Way to combat this is by having five soaked almonds before bedtime.

“The Prana Vata is a sub-dosha of air and is linked to insomnia, worry and anxiety. The Prana vata makes the nervous system sensitive and lead to insomnia. Ways to combat this is by washing your legs with warm water and massage your feet.”

On the subject of alternative medicine and treatment, the NHS said: “Some complementary and alternative medicines or treatments are based on principles and an evidence base that are not recognised by the majority of independent scientists. Others have been proven to work for a limited number of health conditions.”

Temper UK managing director, Tobin James said: “High temperatures and still air at night can be torturous when we’re trying to get to sleep.

“It’s important to prepare and condition the sleeping environment as well as make adjustments to our lifestyle or routines in oder to beat the heat.”

James suggests ways to help combat the summer sleepless nights:

Cotton sheets and sleepwear

Ditch the nylon, polyester or silk sheets for a thin cotton alternative as cotton is lightweight, more breathable and will absorb moisture.


Keeping air circulating is key to staying cool in summer, no matter what the time of day. Open windows at night to keep air flowing. A fan is a great temporary solution to cooling your environment in warmer weather.

Make your own cold air

Place a bowl of ice in front of your fan. Rather than moving the warm air in the room around, the ice will cool the air being circulated.

Go to bed and wake up at the same time, relax at least one hour before bed and exercise regularly during the day


Nightime spritz

If you often wake up hot and bothered during the night then a cool facial mist or a hydration spray will help.

Leave it in the fridge before bedtime and leave on the nightstand for instant relief.

Eat light

Try and make sure your evening meals are smaller in summer as our bodies use more energy to digest a large and heavy meal which means more metabolic heat when we sleep.

The NHS suggests “Go to bed and wake up at the same time, relax at least one hour before bed and exercise regularly during the day.”

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