High blood pressure: Best exercise to avoid hypertension signs – and you can do it at home

High blood pressure is a common condition that affects more than a quarter of all adults in the UK. But you could slash your chances of developing hypertension by doing yoga, it’s been claimed.

High blood pressure – which is also known as hypertension – puts extra stress on blood vessels and vital organs.

The condition could lead to some deadly complications, including strokes and heart attacks.

It could be caused by eating an unhealthy diet, or by not doing enough exercise.

One of the easiest ways to avoid hypertension is to regularly practice yoga.

Yoga is one of the most effective natural remedies for high blood pressure, according to nutritionist Dr Sarah Brewer.

The exercise has a number of benefits for hypertension patients, she said.

It improves breath awareness and relaxation, both of which contribute to a lower blood pressure.

Some patients could also lower their risk of heart disease by doing yoga, added Brewer.

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“The results from six clinical trials, involving 394 people with hypertension, found that regular yoga can lower a high blood pressure by an average of 4.59/3.65mmHg within eight to 12 weeks,” she wrote on her website.

“Practicing yoga can even bring benefits within 9 days according to one trial, and is also beneficial for those who are new to yoga.

“Yoga also offers other health benefits for people with high blood pressure.

“There are many forms of yoga, some of which are less demanding than others.”

But, while there are a number of exercises that benefit hypertension patients, there are also some activities that should be avoided.

Weight lifting is one of the worst exercises for hypertension patients, according to charity Blood Pressure UK.

The activity puts unnecessary stress on the heart and blood vessels, it said.

That’s because it involves short bursts of intense exercise that cause blood pressure spikes.

High blood pressure is often known as ‘the silent killer’, because symptoms only tend to reveal themselves if you have extremely high blood pressure.

The most common high blood pressure symptoms include a pounding in your chest, finding blood in your urine, and severe headaches.

It’s crucial that all adults over 40 years old check their blood pressure at least once every five years.

You can check your blood pressure by visiting your local doctors’ surgery or pharmacy.

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