Coronavirus warning – the ‘serious’ symptom of COVID-19 infection in your mouth
Coronavirus is an infectious disease that has been confirmed in almost five million people across the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has now warned that some COVID-19 patients could develop a loss of speech.
The UK has officially passed the peak of the coronavirus infection.
The UK government has advised the public to remain indoors in an attempt to curb the spread of the infection.
Despite nearing the final stretch of the COVID-19 outbreak, hundreds of people are still dying in the UK everyday.
You could be at risk of the coronavirus infection if you develop a loss of speech.
The WHO has warned that there are three serious symptoms of COVID-19 infection that should never be ignored.
One of those warning signs is difficulty speaking, it warned.
If you lose your ability to speak properly, you should consider seeing a doctor straight away.
Your loss of speech could also be accompanied by a lack of movement, it added.
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“Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus,” said the WHO.
“Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.
“Serious symptoms: Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain or pressure, loss of speech or movement.
“Seek immediate medical attention if you have serious symptoms. Always call before visiting your doctor or health facility.”
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But, a loss of speech may not necessarily be caused by coronavirus.
Difficulty speaking could be caused by medical or psychological conditions.
It could be caused by hearing loss, hearing problems, certain toxins, or selective mutism.
Meanwhile, the more common symptoms of coronavirus include a fever, and a new, continuous cough.
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You’re more likely to be infected with COVID-19 if you develop at least two other symptoms.
Some patients have also reported diarrhoea, headaches, and even a widespread rash.
If you’re worried that you may have the infection, you should quarantine yourself for at least 14 days.
Almost 230,000 people have tested positive for coronavirus in the UK.
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