Slimming: So you bend cravings before Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Thus, you will avoid cravings

Cravings to Unhealthy Sweet or Hearty tempt us to eat, and are therefore potential Fattening or make it difficult to Remove. However, against the cravings a little company.

Most people feel from time to time to binge on Sweets or other unhealthy food such as Chips. As the Verbraucherzentrale Bayern stated on their website, can be a reason for the “Snacking” in between an unfavorable meal structure, for example, long breaks between meals, or a total of a severely restricted calorie intake.

Small Between Meals

It is often helpful, in addition to the three main meals and two to three small meals plan. Particularly suitable are, for example, carrots or bell pepper is raw. Vegetables are low in calories, but thanks to the high fiber portion is quite filling. Also a piece of fruit or a Cup of low-fat yogurt are recommended.

The composition of the meals also plays a role for the saturation effect. According to the consumer, it is useful if in each meal of carbohydrate and protein components are included. Protein (for example fish, meat, milk, cheese, or yogurt) is long, satisfying, as well whole-grain pasta products such as whole grains, wholemeal rice or wholemeal bread.

Those who like to eat, and often bread or rolls, should sandwiches on true whole grains instead of malt extract coloured Grains, and the like of the eighth.

Enough to drink

In addition, care should be taken to drink enough. This is advised especially to water. Other drinks that contain only little calories, including herbal and fruit teas, juice spritzers or non-alcoholic beer.

The experts indicate that a permanent change in Diet works only in respect of personal everyday habits. If you have, for example, at noon, only a little time, you can try the appropriate dishes such as a salad or a vegetable stir-fry to prepare, so that is not Fast Food or Similar must be used.

For Snacking in the evening in front of the TV cut fruit and vegetables, or rice are small waffles.

For most people, but it does not work that you completely avoid sweets or salty treats. Therefore, it can be the consumer that is useful to treat yourself to a day or week stock – and to enjoy these then be aware to eat instead of on the side. (ad)

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