Rise and Shine: light helps combat the winter fatigue

Fit and sound to start the day? Between December and March is often a challenge.

“Also, people keep a little winter hibernation,” said Jürgen Zulley, a Professor of Biological psychology at the University of Regensburg.

Because people adapt to the shorter days: you sleep longer, but worse – and then during the day more tired than in the summer.

Against the fatigue Zulley has a simple prescription: “get a light!”

Because many of the natural light lacking in the Winter. This brightness ensures that the hormone Melatonin that makes us tired, is no longer distributed.

Especially of the winter fatigue, the Elderly and people who are depressed or sleep disorders are affected.

Who spends the whole day in the office, it can also be difficult. Because in closed areas, it was mostly too dark, says Zulley.

Photo gallery: 11 tips for better sleep

The sleep expert advises, therefore, to go every day for at least 30 minutes in daylight to fresh air. “Even on gray winter days, it is still light out enough to make us awake.”

The have also the positive side effect is that the movement gets the circulation going again. Back in the office, you should make the light as bright as possible, recommends Zulley. And A seat by the window can help.

When you get Up in brightness is just as important: Just as much light as possible, turn on, advises Zulley.

“Even if the brightness fades in the first Moment, awake are we, thanks to the light’s better.”

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)

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